Cuna News Podcast

Developing credit union advocates



Brandon Riechers believes in developing young professionals and getting them involved in all areas of the credit union movement. “I’ve always been a champion of young professionals,” says Riechers, president/CEO of $2.6 billion asset Royal Credit Union in Eau Claire, Wis. “At Royal, we do what we can to help in the development of future leaders on many fronts.” Earlier this year, Royal launched the Young Professional Credit Union Activist (YP CU Activist), a program designed to strengthen the credit union movement and amplify the voices of young professionals. Amanda Farnham, an organizational development advisor, was selected to fill the YP CU Activist role. Her term runs from August 2019 through July 2020. She’ll attend state and national advocacy events and will meet with an advocacy mentor monthly to discuss issues and prepare for upcoming events.Reichers and Farnham joined the CUNA News Podcast to discuss the program, what Farnham is learning, why it’s important for young professionals to get involved in