Worldbuilder's Anvil

Season 3 Episode 9 Big Bad Lizzyer



Today's Topic – Lightning not included    Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to  Podcast Show Flow  Basic Meta Questions  Who are they? Bad boy, leads for self gratification  What do they do?  - Leader the Hunger Empire  Where are they? – From afar until act   When do they do it?  – 2nd act and on  How do they get it done? – Fear, and willingness  Why are they doing it? – Prove themselves  Extended Meta  Type of character? - Static  Depth of Character Round or Flat thanks Judy Blume Round – Flat  Who is the character connected to? – Everyone in a bad way  How are they connected? - Strife  WBT   Cut back on the meat  RW  Task  Soylent Green  Michael's Resources  Use when shopping online to help support the show  Were alive Podcast  Links  ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Visit Show notes )))))))))))))))))))))))))