French Blabla

A day in French - 37 - Hotel



Bonjour à tous ! J’espère que tout va bien pour vous et que vous êtes prêts pour un nouvel épisode. Thanks for tuning in again week after week. I’m thrilled you’re here! Ok, I have to ask you guys… do you have a partner who keeps repeating the same jokes over and over again? I sure have one! When we’re in town, every time we pass by a hotel… not the kind of hotel you’re thinking about, you’ll have to listen to the story to know what kind I’m talking about because hotel is used for many things here! So, every time we pass by, he makes this joke and I wanted to talk about that today. For the vocabulary, be prepared to scratch your head with the French numbers. Little challenge for you! Before you download the study guide, go to the comment section of this episode and write to me the 4 years I mentionned. As for the grammar focus, I wanted to show you a special use of the present and the future tenses. It’s common nowadays to use the present tense when we talk about historical events. Something even stranger is