Restless Native

128: Salt Strong Founder, Joe Simonds



Today’s show is salty. Especially salty. Because today we have one of the Salt Strong brothers on to talk about going niche. It’s all going to make sense soon, and I’ll let Joe explain exactly what he’s built, but I wanted to have Joe on because what he’s done is really impressive. So many people have dreams of jumping into the hunting or fishing industry, but don’t know how. Joe and his brother were well established in their careers, but they decided to walk away from it. We’re going to talk about how they made the jump, their upbringing, why they don’t work with advertisers, how they built a paid community of thousands of people, creating content, and more. Joe’s a great dude, and they are a tremendous resource for information. If you’re into what Joe’s talking about, check them out.Salt Strong website