Diligent Pastors

Publishing Your Studies with Scott LaPierre



Pastors produce a wealth of material in the course of sermon preparation and delivery. Scott LaPierre tells us how to publish this into books.About Our GuestScott LaPierre is senior pastor for Woodland Christian Church in Woodland, Washington.  He is an author and conference speaker, and serves as a regional facilitator for Church and Family Life. He has been married to his wife Katie since 2006, and the Lord has blessed them with nine children.Sign up for Scott’s newsletter and receive a free copy of his book, Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Marriages.Featured ResourceHow must the church and the family work together to accomplish God’s work in this world? Church and Family Life proclaims the sufficiency of Scripture to direct churches and families in the true worship of God.What You Will LearnThe LaPierres’ ninth child is named after George Müller (1:55)Scott’s salvation following his brother's death (3:19)Leaving the Roman Catholic Church and how it affected his parents (11