Polar Opposites

Dave Chappelle's 'The Closer' Controversy, Facebook Whisteblower, School Bans BLM & LGBTQ Flags, Jon Gruden Resigns



Welcome back to another episode of your favorite podcast! This week we tackle the discussion and backlash surrounding Dave Chappelle's new special on Netflix called 'The Closer'. Was he attacking the transgender community or are people being overly sensitive? We also talk about the Facebook whistleblower and the website crashing a day before the congressional hearing. YouTube deletes two R. Kelly channels and an Oregon school district bans teachers from displaying LGBT and BLM flags in the classroom. Where do you stand on these issues? Are 1st amendment rights being restricted? Should teachers be allowed to express their politics in the classroom? Should YouTube completely ban R. Kelly? We weigh in on a wedding photographer who was refused a plate while on the job for a newlywed couple. Is he right to delete the photos he took in anger? NFL coach Jon Gruden resign after emails he wrote years ago expose his racism, homophobia, and sexism. Is the backlash warranted? When you do clownery.......SEND US SOME SPICY