Societal Norm

Good vs Evil



One can imagine that for as long as we’ve existed on Earth humans have been in disagreement over what is right and what is wrong — what is good, and what is evil. Most religions tend to agree for the most part as far as principles go, but most of them try to boil things down to being either black or white in life, omitting the shades of grey that might exist. It’s a complex matter, but is there some kind natural order  to the world or philosophy that we can observe to get us all on the same page about how we can better define good and evil. That’s what this episode is all about, as well as the struggle with doing so thus far, some educated speculation on how the concepts of good and evil came to be so ingrained in our culture, and examination of the unwritten (in some cases) social contract that exists within a society to maintain civilization.Hosts:C Mayz @c_mayzMartey @e_marteyJordan @tybaebeeAnnie @anniedets / @mill.afAdrian Peace @adriiianpeaceSong: Prince Byaza (aka Phresh)- Badman’s World prod. Riddleht