Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 145, Willingness to Letting it Go



I wrote this thinking about how I can teach you to be willing to let something go. Willingness to fail. Willingness to make mistakes. Willingness to be sick. Hold on the tightest is when we get in trouble. Trying to convince. Trying to resist. Trying to please. All of that effort instead of being open to it ending. Being open to surrendering. Being open to being wrong. Being open to making mistakes. Being open to letting them leave you. RESIST, push, fight, hold on, being right, being perfect, convicting. No thank you. This is me. This is you. I’m ok and you are ok. Can you let it be? Can you accept? Can you allow it to feel easier? Can you allow it to be imperfect? Tune in and hear how the IDEA and being just willing to let it go can open it all up for you. Get your name on the list to hear about SODSL Program 2.0: Join my FREE Masterclass: 3 Steps to Stop Over-drinking, October 13th 2021 at 7:00pm EST.