Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#37: The Magic of Masterminds



You’ve probably heard of mastermind groups before, but what exactly are they, who are they for and how do you find one that is right for you? Today I’m sharing all about masterminds and how one can not only benefit you but also how you can add value to the group.  As you’ll hear, masterminds can push you in ways that you can’t push yourself and take you to places you’ve never been before.  Things you will learn in this episode:   The history of masterminds and what constitutes a good one   The difference between formal and informal masterminds   What mastermind contributors will need in order to add value  What are “hot seats?”  Why it is necessary to strategically choose mastermind members  Remember – masterminds are not about selling your services!    LINKS:   Get full show notes and more information here: