Zoe Nightingale




Hello Listeners! It is I, here to apologize to you for my extended absence from releasing new content. Trust me, I've been working on it, but I have over 200 hours from the last year and I've struggled to revisit that time period for many reasons but mostly just lack of time. However, I have good news! For reasons I still can't comprehend, one of my favorite podcasters of all time, Nicholas van der Kolk from the sublimely gorgeous audio series Love & Radio, has come aboard to help me. My gratitude to him knows no bounds. If you haven't heard their work, check them out ASAP here. So I should have a whole series coming out shortly, with a master story crafter's help. THANK YOU NICHOLAS!! In the meantime I have been reflecting on how much this podcast has meant to me, and the endless joy and wisdom it's brought to my life. The funny thing is, the very first time I tried to do this, and I was so nervous and unsure of what I would even talk about, magic happened. I was sitting at my little folding table next t