Hedged In: A Changeling Story

Episode 14 | To Wish Upon a Fallen Star (Stone), Part 3



Our Motley fights against the hedge crabs that are very intent on making them a meal.... Content Warning: Hedged In: ACS is a horror podcast, there are frighting horror elements in this episode. Listeners should be advised. Our Cast! [Dan][1] | Kat | [Vida][2] | [VJ][3] Find Us [Our Website][4] | [Patreon][5] | [Discord][6] | [Tumblr][7] | [The White Wolf Problem][9] Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters: Marci, That Epic Penguin and Wolfgang Anderson Extra Special Shout out to friend of the Show [Taylor][8] , and his Kickstarter [Thirteen Demon Princes][10] And Remember: Stay Wyrd [1]: https://twitter.com/unrealgiraffe [2]: https://twitter.com/greenbeanspirit [3]: https://twitter.com/nwfairy [4]: https://www.hedgedinacs.com [5]: https://www.patreon.com/hedgedinacs [6]: https://discord.gg/Aejk8uP [7]: https://hedgedinacs.tumblr.com [8]: https://twitter.com/LeviathanFiles [9]: https://www.hedgedinacs.com/white-wolf-suckx/ [10]:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/13dp/thirteen-demon-princes-hells-favorite-