First Church Charlotte

Love And Wholiness #1



February 16, 2020, | Pastor Nathan Elms One of the greatest lies that humanity tells itself is that it doesn’t need others… We are born needing others… For the first two months of life, they can't lift their heads without help. They usually roll over for the first time at about 4 months, and sit up at around 6 months. They usually start standing at about 9 months, and take their first tentative steps at around 1 year old, according to infant developmental milestones compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But even then, babies are just getting started. Fine-tuning the most basic survival skills, such as walking and feeding themselves, takes at least another year or more, and the little ones generally remain dependent on parents or caregivers for well over a decade before they're even able to begin to navigate parts of the world on their own. We die needing others… Bridget Jones’s Diary, Bridget put a witty spin on the the matter by announcing her fear that she would die alone