Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

197. Andy Drish: How To Build Relationships That Last For A Lifetime



“You can be with one person for a lifetime, but within that lifetime, you will have many different relationships with many different contexts throughout that time period.” Because we’re not taught how to craft them, most people are ill-equipped to cultivate great relationships. Most modern relationships don’t model the Disney fairytale fantasy! Instead, we get stuck on codependency and disappointment - leading to relationship deaths, unfulfillment, and painful break-ups. It doesn’t have to be this way...If we learn how to create interdependence from a place of individual sovereignty, a relationship can remain satisfying for a lifetime. If you want your relationship to constantly grow, deepen, and last for a lifetime, there’s no better teacher than Andy Drish. Andy is the one of the few people I trust to help me navigate the art of intimacy and being in a lasting relationship. I turned to Andy after my break-up and over the past year, he’s been instrumental in the level of connection I feel with