Tell Me Stories Podcast With Paula Allen

Season 4 opener: Billy Moon @Riverfest



Billy Moon sits down backstage with me at Riverfest.  Now, Billy is a tall person. Like, comically tall compared to me. I met him backstage while I was up on a riser so I didn't notice this until he came into the PodTrailer for the interview and almost didn't fit. He had to duck (okay, crouch and crawl) to get in and get seated. It's strange but when you see someone on stage, even walking around backstage you don't get a good sense of them until they are knee to knee with you, in a tiny podcast trailer, backstage. Moreover, what you definitely don't get a sense of is who they are or what stories they hold, until you are in a space so small and intimate there's little room for bravado, falsehood or ego.  On stage: Billy has a personality that matches his height. His performances are command, deftly woven musical stories performed with a larger-than-life personality. He's SUPER entertaining ya'll. Crowds love him. Backstage, he has a hundred friends, he's funny, he's warm and engaging. He has a 'star quality' t