Shadowproof Presents

Ep. 7: Project Censored



Project Censored's Mickey Huff and Andy Lee Roth discuss "Censored 2016: Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2014-2015." With host Kevin Gosztola, they talk about "junk food news," "news abuse," and other concepts Project Censored promotes to improve the public's understanding of news citizens consume. Both highlight some of the key censored stories from the past year, which range from methane gas contributing to climate change to the NSA having its own Google-style search engine to staggering developments related to global wealth inequality. Huff and Roth also take some time to address recent news trends, like Vox and Buzzfeed's practice of publishing news explainers. The conversation wraps with a discussion of investigative journalist Seymour Hersh and how the establishment press has transformed him into a pariah because they reject his work on Syria and Osama bin Laden.