Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#6 - Judgment and the Subconscious, Sometimes Just Go For it and Say F It!



When we sit in limbo wondering whether to take the leap and follow our truth, our own true path in life, we are never going to be truly happy. I'm not saying just hit the road and leave it all behind. The due diligence is to go deep and see if our choices are serving our higher good, our higher self. Our higher self is all knowing. When we know, we KNOW. There are consequences when we choose to come from a place of love. And, there are consequences when we come from a place of fear. One sets you free. The other imprisons you in a prison of your own making. This episode might make a few of you angry. If you believe blindly in a gospel delivered by a preacher without discovering the truth for'll never be free. Now, don't believe a word I say! Find out for yourself. If you think I'm full of it, cool! Go find your own truth, don't take it as gospel from anyone but you and your higher self. Additionally, the pious are those that serve the darkness through judgment. We'l