Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#14 - Hallucinogens v Meditation, Ubuntu, Oneness and Musa Musala



What is the surest way to achieve self liberation, enlightenment? Some tout the use of hallucinogens such as LSD or psilocybin mushrooms in order to take the short path to a spiritual upgrade. Others tout the slow path via years on the meditation mat. In this episode Thom explores his chosen path and the realizations that he encountered along the way. Thom also shares insights learned from his mysterious friendship with the shaman he knew in the Pacific Northwest. He also introduces the listener to the humanistic philosophy of Ubuntu, wherein in any community or tribe where Ubuntu is practiced it's all for one and one for all.Thom also shares with us a new book called Musa Masala: Mountain Girl of the Himalaya. I was asked to write a blurb for the book by the writers. I wrote: “I had tears in my eyes from the outset. The inspiring and transformative journey of a lovable little homeless girl is an inspiration for us all… Musa learns that there are no limits on how far she can go in life. Such a wonderful