Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#17 - Why You Should Never Say You’re Sorry, "isms' Require Judgment



Religions, by nature, divide and conquer. They succeed by keeping their followers in fear: fear of going to hell, fear of sin and so on. The truth is that a spiritually aware person doesn't need an 'ism'. These people come from a place of love and are not ruled by fear. Fear has power because people don't realize that the thoughts that we empower create our reality.   When people make it their intent to be a true light force they can give rise to a spiritual awakening, their kundalini. This brings us to the important point of why one should never say I'm sorry, or why one should ever require forgiveness from another. Forgiveness does not exist in the light, and forgiveness requires judgment, which requires us to deny the truth of who we are. Music for this episode is performed by The New Monitors, and can be found on the free music archive. The New Monitors can be found at www.thenewmonitors.bandcamp.comIf you would like to be added to our mailing list please go to www.eyesopenproduct