Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#23 - Don't Tell a Lie, Your Life Depends On It



When we act in accordance to the central spirit of our being we become off kilter, and millions upon millions live their entire lives….  In this world there is so much suffering to overcome, and we have much to keep attuned to. However, for every person who dies never having followed the central spirit of their being the world ends up a lesser place.   Buddha said that Life is Suffering. Yet, in our acceptance of that we can transcend that suffering and experience joy. It comes in letting go of attachment...attachment not only to material objects or attachment to the love or affection of another, but attachment to our own bodies. We are all going to die, that much is assured. I’m not ashamed to tell you that my life has been difficult, that I was a total fuckup as a business man, as a husband...damn I think I was and am a damn good dad, but so many things fell apart for me, financially, my brother committed suicide three months after my dad died of lung cancer, I was a mess. Someone reached down into my pit o