Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#31 - Survival Guide To the Madness: an interview with Jungian Psychologist Nathan Schwartz-Salant



If you think this episode is making a statement about my personal political preferences with this photo you're HIGHLY mistaken. Like me, if you're actually breathing, you know that the collective consciousness of the US political landscape is deeply divided. What's the old saying? War is not healthy for children and other living things? How does the current political divisiveness affect you? Does it raise your heart rate when you hear the detritus of political squabbling blurt out of your tv or radio? Well, here's a bit of help from a prominent Jungian analyst, Dr. Nathan Schwartz-Salant. Let's call it a modern day survival guide for those of us wondering if there's light at the end of the tunnel. I interviewed him recently asking him to shed some light on the state of affairs, and how we can keep our feet on the ground when it appears that the world has lost its mind.One thing for sure, is that this is a changing time. As Americans look to find suitable candidates to elect as pr