Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#37 (S2 Ep 6) - A New Perspective Gained Through Trauma, the Ritual of Maté and an Interview with Photographer Oscar Manguy of Finland



When we encounter tragedy or a traumatic event in life, it often times opens up a portal through which we can gain a new perspective of life. We actually learn through the experience and can become more wise in the process.In today's episode I interview photographer, adventurer and wilderness educator Oscar Manguy. We caught up with him at his home in a remote location in Finland, talked to him about his life in the outdoors, photography, and of the ritual of drinking Maté,is a traditional South American caffeine-rich infused drink.Visit Oscar's website at or his Instagram page at for this episode is courtesy of Reverend Freakchild's album The Bodhisattva Blues. Visit here to purchase this amazing album: the show (