Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#49 (S2 Ep 18) - Agent of Change, Growing Up the Son of Blues Legend Paul Butterfield, Interview with Gabriel Butterfield of Woodstock, NY



This is a story about a father's enduring legacy, about a man who left this world young. While any dad who leaves before his time is worthy of consideration, this dad was world famous. He was the legendary blues harp (harmonica) player, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee, vocalist and band leader the late Paul Butterfield.Today we go for a ride through Paul's old home of Woodstock, New York with his son, Gabriel Butterfield. Gabe was just 22 when his father passed. His father's fame was worldwide. The Dalai Lama invited the family to attend a private prayer and chanting to help Paul get to the next realm. In the yeasr since, Gabriel has weeded through the many stories of people portending to have known Paul. yet, what endures for Gabriel is the love that Paul and Gabriel's mother Virginia passed down to him. This is a fun yet moving interview with a man whose love for his father is boundless. Music is provided by a band formed by Gabriel and Jimmy Vivino, Paul Butterfield Revisited. Her