Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#65 - Electoral College Count - Stand Your Ground with Dr. Nathan Schwartz-Salant During Times of Chaos and Uncertainty



Recorded just as the polls closed during the runoff elections in Georgia, USA, we bring back Dr. Nathan Schwartz-Salant for his insightful take on how an individual must stand one's ground during times of chaos and uncertainty. The late Dr. Nathan Schwartz-Salant, a prominent Jungian analyst, in this interview from February 8, 2020, on the eve of the New Hampshire primaries, offers a way for us to 'stand our ground' during these uncertain times, how to embrace the darkness of the collective psyche. His insight and analysis is perfect for  Dr. Schwartz-Salant is a member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology {IAAP} and has been practicing as a Jungian analyst for almost fifty years. His first book, Narcissism and Character Transformation: The Psychology of Narcissistic Character Disorders, published by Inner City Books in 1982, is a classic in the Jungian field. Recently, he contributed the chapter "Healthy Presidential Narcissism: Is That Possible?" for the popula