Iron Sharpens Iron

Do Life Together (EP. 47)



Check out EP. 47 of the Men of Iron Podcast as we talk about the importance of doing life together as mentor and protege. Get past the surface level stuff, get past the routine meetings and establish a genuine friendship together. Hang out as friends, get your families together, make time to text or call in between your meetings. Men, becoming the leader that God has called you to be can only be accomplished alongside others. Know God, know your purpose and know each other. EP. 47 is brought to you by Backgate Prayers. A beautiful, simple and thoughtful way to remind you to pray for your loved ones daily. Prayer cards personalized with pictures of your wife, kids and/or family members. Each set comes with 10 cards and 20 prayers covering topics like intimacy and covenant for your marriage and praying for faithfulness and contentment for your kids. We personally use these cards in our homes and love them! Go to and get your order in with a 10% discount using the code MENOF IRON. Shop at ww