Protection From Noob Mtgcast

Protection from Noob: ProtNoob_005



Rise Of The Eldrazi has finally been released upon the world, much like Emrakul's own escape upon the plane of Zendikar, and Lennox and Chad discuss their first hands-on experience with the new cards at their pre-releases. They look at what hits and misses they made in their predictions (hint: regress is good in limited), as well as cards that weren't even on their radar. They also discuss the decks they and their opponents played and what they think of the format so far... Zendikar is a world full of dangerous terrain under foot and floating blocks in the sky, and it looks a lot like the Mushroom Kingdom if you squint hard enough. The only thing it's missing garish green pipes. This tenuous connection is all the excuse needed to make this episode's video game theme Super Mario! Just don't try jumping on the top of an Eldrazi! Have something to say about the show or your own pre-release? Let us know in the comments section, or contact us via twitter or email! Follow on Twitter: Lennox (@mtg_lennox) at