Bethel Lbc Podcast

Pentecost Empowered People



Pastor Craig begins with an experience of the tour of a electric power plant, and expands it to illustrate the benefits we gain from the massive power grid available to us as Americans. How foolish it would be to "shut it off." In comparison, this power is tiny compared to the infinite power of God, and yet as humans, it is our tendency to turn off the power of God for all kinds of reasons. How foolish! What must we do to be empowered by God's Holy Spirit and live Godly lives. We discuss this theme in this Pentecost Sunday message. The main text is John 7:37-39, but Acts 2:1-21 was read earlier in the service and reading it may give you some added perspective. Also: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:2, Philippians 2:3-4 and Matthew 5:3-10