Friendly Anarchism

S1E28 Antifascist Zones, Creative Strategies, and Openness with German Antifa



anarchy (1)......... jesus Spoke with a Bavarian comrade about why we shouldn’t have to fight for normal things, denying abortion to rape victims, changes in the movement, ways to engage with the public, it’s not just about punching nazis, neighborhood organizing and liberated districts, how antifascism can’t get isolated, supporting local community, openness about being an antifascist, what you should and should not talk about in public, bringing our ideas to people, fascism isn’t just in the past, paranoia & anti-repression work, sharing praxis, you don’t fight for yourself alone, struggle in the street can’t exist without the struggle in the background, protest tactics, black bloc strategy, having fun working under such stressful conditions, humor, enjoying the small successes, fighting fear, being creative, GNWP adaptations, Americans fucked up punk, in a perfect world we wouldn’t need antifascism, antifa are the REAL fascists, all fascism is violent while antifascism is very diverse, liberals, fascism i