Friendly Anarchism

S1E30 No Nazis In Knox, Police Violence, and Mental Fortitude with Molly



anarchy (1)......... jesus CW: Graphic violence, police brutality, mention of sexual harassment ------- Note from Nov. 2020: It's hard to listen to how traumatized I am, but amazing to hear in real time the effects of experiencing police brutality first hand for the first time. I had had a number of bad experiences with cops in the past and had seen brutality at protests prior to this, but as (weirdly casually) mentioned, that day cops had tried to run over my friends, had assaulted clergy, and had clearly wanted to kill me in a way I had not personally experienced up to that point. Even for someone who was dedicated to nonviolence with ample mental and martial arts training, it was a lot to deal with. After much thought I left in moments of rage because people should hear what happens when cops act the way they do. ------- I spoke to Molly from Charlottesville DSA about the protest last weekend in Knoxville against Matthew Heimbach and the Tradworkers appearance on campus. We got into how much cops suck and