Friendly Anarchism

S1E32 Seeking Faiths, May Day, And Self-Criticism with Matti



anarchy ......(7)... jesus Spoke with Matti, a co-conspirator in the Friendly Fire Collective about sacred geometry, what it means to be a “seeking” faith, fascist mysticism, touching the divine, witches, women saints, May Day, charismatic practices, Theater of the Oppressed & dada, atheist hostility, internal labor and liberation, self-discipline, process work, patriarchy, bad communication, using a green lens, Micah 6:8, and community as the antithesis to capitalism. Notes: *The example of a street medic trainer was hypothetical and not in reference to any real person *Joan of Arc was in fact burned at the stake, she was 19 years old Referenced: The Friendly Fire Collective go fund me: More on Jordan Peterson: Jordan Peterson and Fascist Mysticism More on Julius Evola: Rose City Antifa - The Wolves of Vinland: a Fascist Countercultural “Tribe” in the Pacific Northwest https://r