

A report issued within the diet industry around 2002 stated, “In 2002, 231 million Europeans attempted some form of diet. Of these only 1 percent will achieve permanent weight loss.” If that isn’t proof that the diet industry is well aware that what it is selling doesn’t work, I don’t know what is.  But here’s the real question I want to talk about today:  Why is it so hard to lose weight and keep it off? I’m not saying impossible. Just hard.  Once I stopped dieting and changed how and why I was eating, my extra weight, which I’d struggled with for decades, came off pretty easily.  Because I changed my eating habits, the weight stayed off.  But this episode is not about why change is hard.  It’s about the ways in which our bodies seem to work against us.   It’s about the physiological reasons why it’s difficult to lose weight, especially after being on the diet hamster wheel.  The problem is largely one of metabolic suppression. Dieting exacerbates that problem. Listen to learn how dieting  predisposes people