Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

Detox Your Mind of Thoughts That Weigh You Down



Do you have issues with food and eating that are rooted in a negative self-image?  Do you hate the way you look?  Is your ability to see all of your strengths and gifts is clouded by your focus on the things about yourself that you don’t like, or that you think are inadequate?  This episode is for you if you focus more on what’s wrong with you than what’s right.  To be successful on your weight loss journey, you have to love yourself.  A poor self-image will make you unhappy, regardless of what your body looks like.  You DO know that being slim is no guarantee of happiness, right? You can lose weight and still be unhappy.  If you don’t clean up your thinking about yourself, you won’t be happy, even if your body looks like Cameron Diaz’s.  In this episode, I’m sharing with you some of Pema Chodron’s wisdom about self love and compassion.  Then I’ll walk you through a process to change your perspective about yourself and raise your self-esteem.   Listen now to learn how to feel better about yourself regardless