Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

Why Changing Your Diet Won't Give You the Results You Want



In the world of dieting, too much emphasis is placed on what to eat to lose weight. Diets prohibit you from eating certain foods, usually ones that taste really good. The ones you enjoy the most. Some of the most popular fad diets even prohibit you from eating nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables and beans.  All of this emphasis on what to eat and what to totally ban from your life is so misplaced. And very misleading.  It makes you think that if you just do something like stop eating sugar, everything will be just fine.  Or If you could just stop eating carbs, you’d lose all the weight and never have to worry about it again.  Or if you just eat “clean,” whatever that means, you’ll be healthy and slim.  But this isn’t true.  The latest scam of the diet industry, which makes money from keeping you on the diet hamster wheel, is to repackage diets under the guise of “wellness” or a “lifestyle change.” Don’t fall for it. Restrictive diets are not a lifestyle change or about wellness.  Listen to learn why food