Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

What's wrong with words like overweight or obese?



As a weight coach, I see one of my roles as fighting our cultural stigma about body size.  Sure I want to help people be at a weight where they’re comfortable, but weight stigma actually keeps you stuck.  Worse, it is one of the last bastions of what many people still consider an acceptable prejudice. Too many people still think it’s okay to talk about everyone else’s weight and feel free to say derogatory things about people’s bodies. It’s wrong and has harmful consequences.  I often have difficulty finding the right words to use when referring to weight. Even using words like overweight or obese seem wrong. Both involve a judgment.  When we say “overweight,” what are we talking about anyway?  Over what weight?  How do you determine what the right weight is for someone to make a judgment that they are over that? And why would you even want to go there? The most commonly used measure is body mass index, or BMI. BMI is a flawed measure of both your weight and the state of your health. I help women let go of un