Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

Time to Reject the Culture of Thinness



I was listening to an episode of Cheryl Strayed’s Dear Sugars podcast in which she talked about her experience with Vogue magazine just before the release of Wild, her autobiography about transformation and overcoming adversity. Vogue was doing a piece about powerful women, and they wanted to feature her.  On the day of the photoshoot, Cheryl felt good about how she looked. She didn’t lose the weight she had hoped to lose, but she felt confident and pretty.   When the issue of the magazine came out, however, Cheryl and her husband were shocked at her photo. They weren’t even sure it was actually Cheryl because she looked so different. Among other things, they made her slimmer.  In doing so, the message Vogue gave Cheryl was that despite her accomplishments, she wasn’t enough because she wasn’t thin, and they had to change that to feature her as a “powerful woman” in their magazine.  Vogue and other publications and mass media set the skinny standard for us.  They show us, through photos of rail-thin women, ho