Shane Plays

Zack Snyder's Justice League - Episode 239 - 3/31/2021



After years of denials of its existence, the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League is here! Comedian and friend of the show Michael Brown joins Shane for a deep dive on Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon’s versions of the movie. Is one better than the other? Does it mainly come down to fun vs gravitas? Green Lantern and Aquaman digressions. Mike is a true Aquaman fan. Shane tries and fails to do a ghastly Joker laugh. Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #239 - 3/31/2021 Like what you hear? Support Shane Plays Geek Talk on Patreon! Shane Plays Geek Talk is carried on Krypton Radio! Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi Listen to the Shane Plays Geek Talk podcast on YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play Music, Amazon Music, Podbean and Stitcher (and other fine, fine podcast directories). Hey, you! Yeah, you! Buy cool stuff, support Shane Plays Geek Talk with these affiliate links! Humble Bundle https:/