Behind The Brilliance

131 Jessica Abel on Creativity, Commerce, and Art as a Service



My nickname for this show is the Creativity Meets Commerce. Jessica has designed systems and processes for her work and offers frameworks for other artists. Her work deals with the hard stuff: staying out of your own way, thinking about the bigger picture of your goals, managing limited time, deciding to charge for your creative work. During this conversation, we covered a lot of ground on how to get art done even as the artist struggles through the process. Jessica is practical (which I love), and she offers clear, accessible ways of solving common problems for people who want to make things. Say hi to Jessica and let her know what you thought about our chat: @jccabel We covered a lot including:  -melding creativity and commerce -what idea debt is and how to eliminate it -time management advice that works for creative types -redefining "marketing" for people who hate salesy stuff -art as a service -overcoming dark times in the middle of a project   Show Notes: