Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 209: Randy Wilburn – Encourage, Build and Grow



Many people make the assumption that it’s too late in life to make a change and chase their dreams. Today’s guest will show you why it’s NEVER too late to pivot from one path to find joy and fulfillment on another. Randy Wilburn is an entrepreneur and serial podcaster. He currently helps design professionals become better leaders, better communicators, and better people. Always learning Do you love to learn? This is one of Randy’s most fascinating traits, and it’s a healthy one for anyone to have. He explains that he’s always been wired to search for more information and knowledge. He was raised by his grandparents after his parents divorced. It was Randy’s grandfather who taught him to take in the rich knowledge available in books and to make books his friends. When he moved into his grandfather’s office/library, his bed literally faced a library wall of books that he can still envision today. Randy’s grandfather was a news reporter who instilled in Randy the love of reading and consuming information through