Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 229: Veronica Grant – The Inner Work To Find Love



Most people long for love. Some are successful in the search, and others feel that true love is just not in the cards for them. The truth is that you have to love yourself before you can love someone else and be loved in a fulfilling way. If that sounds too abstract to comprehend, then join us for today’s show--and learn what you can do to bring more love into your life.  Veronica Grant is a love coach for successful women who feel like they have it all except love, and she helps them find it. Through her binge-worthy podcast, free workshops, and coaching, Veronica is committed to shaking up how you find love, even in our “swipe right, swipe left” world. Some of her guilty pleasures (a must-have for recovering perfectionists!) include binge-watching HGTV, hiking with her husband and pup, and sushi everything. Join us to meet Veronica and clear what's blocking you in love! Making a pivot Have you felt the nudge to make a big change in your life? Veronica looks back to her time as a paid staffer on the Oba