Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 028: Fiona Sutherland – Goodbye, scale! Time for positivity with food, weight and body image.



Download Episode! Lovely radicals! Let me bring some sunshine into your lives: In today's episode of the "Life. Unrestricted." podcast, I talk to Fiona Sutherland from Melbourne, Australia. Fiona is the Director of "Body Positive Australia" which offers therapy, yoga and retreats to the community and also of "The Mindful Dietitian" which offers mindfulness and client-centered practice, training opportunities and information, specifically to dietitians worldwide. Fiona is a specialist in Eating Disorders (mostly Binge Eating Disorder), eating behavior and body image. Fiona has recently been appointed to the Australia & New Zealand Academy of Eating Disorders Board, where she aims to strengthen the voice for ED recovery and Health at Every Size. She is a professional kid-wrangler (of two boys, aged 5 & 7) and she is currently half-way through her yoga teacher training. She is passionate about how we can help everyone – in every body! – live in peace within this very brainwashed diet-culture. You will