Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 053: Me, solo – When the inner Gremlin insists on perfectionism and productivity, give him this.



Download Episode! Hey there, lovely radicals... podcast time! This week on the "Life. Unrestricted." podcast, it’s time to call out the inner Gremlin voice and all its rules that it is constantly making up for us. Most of you might be familiar with those thoughts; the ones that tell us we have to be "on" all the time, that we "better pull ourselves together", that we have "to soldier on, no matter what", that we have "to power through", that it's our "duty to be productive", that we need "o prove our worth", that it's our job to always "be the responsible one", and that we – heaven forbid! – can never (ever!) be perceived as "a slacker"... Sound familiar? Now... wait a minute. Whose thoughts are these? Mine? Yours? No way! These are inner Gremlin thoughts. They are NOT truth. And in order for us to keep our sanity, and to take responsibility for ourselves and our wellbeing, we need to talk back to those Gremlin thoughts. We have to learn to let those Gremlin thoughts be just what they are: Thoughts. Not some