Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 062: Dr. Michelle Lelwica – The origins of "The Religion of Thinness and Physical Improvement".



Lovely radicals... it's podcast time! In this week’s episode of the "Life. Unrestricted." podcast, it’s my great pleasure to talk to Dr. Michelle Lelwica from Minnesota. Michelle is a professor of religion at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, where she teaches courses on the intersection of religion, gender, culture, and the body. She did all of her graduate work at Harvard Divinity School, where she received a Masters of Theological Studies in Christianity and Culture (1989) and a Doctorate of Theology in Religion Gender and Culture (1996). She is the author of "Shameful Bodies: Religion and the Culture of Physical Improvement" (2017), "The Religion of Thinness: Satisfying the Spiritual Hungers behind Women’s Obsession with Food and Weight" (2009), and "Starving for Salvation: The Spiritual Dimensions of Eating Problems among American Girls and Women" (1999). She has also written different scholarly articles and popular blogs addressing women’s conflicted relationships to their bodies. In our conver