Confetti Park

New Orleans comedian Mike Strecker publishes a joke book for kids



Mike Strecker is a stand-up comedian who has been performing in the New Orleans area since 1995. And now, he is a published book author. Mike recently released two volumes of jokes, Young Comic’s Guide to Telling Jokes Vol. 1 and 2, which are nationally distributed by Sterling Children's Books. “The way it came about… my wife’s a school teacher, and I have a habit of coming up with these corny little jokes. And she would say, ‘You have to write these down; kids love these kids of books.’ So I wound up writing them down, and sure enough, I sent them away and a publisher wanted  to publish them.” “First I wrote 150 jokes—I figured that would make one volume. Little did I know!,” laughs Mike. “I sent it away, and they said, ‘Yes, we like this. But we want to make two volumes of 600 jokes each.’” Whew! That’s a lot of jokes! Mike rose to challenge, and spent the next few months torturing his wife and kids with experimental puns and word play. “I have to say, the experience was pure joy,” says Mike. “Somedays I’d