Insights With Trent Munday

If You Aren’t Acting On It, You Don’t Really Know #1261



How often have you found the answer you were seeking, only to tell yourself, 'Yeah, I already knew that' ? Well, if you already knew it, why aren't you taking action now? Why are you still seeking the answer? The reason, I think, is because you didn't really know it all. Sure, maybe you knew it intellectually or even superficially. But deep down, in detail, in your soul, you didn't really know it. At least not to the level where you were willing to act on it. Or maybe you're just looking for another excuse to procrastinate? Maybe the answer has come from someone lower than you on the totem pole? So then to accept that they have the answer is to admit that you didn't. It's a statement we've probably all made to ourselves at some point in time and it's got some interesting dimensions to it. Let's explore. NB: Thanks to @TheStoicEmperor over on Twitter for the inspiration. #nomoreexcuses #takeaction #procrastination