Insights With Trent Munday

Your Reasoning Is More Important Than Your Conclusion #1263



Way back in Ep. 487 of this show I spoke about how I'm ok with a Wrong Decision as long as it's not a Bad Decision. And what defines a Bad Decision is one where you simply haven't done the work. You haven't put the effort into considering all the data, all the possible outcomes and scenarios, etc. Here's a link to Ep. 487 - Bad Decisions vs Wrong Decisions - Billionaire investor Ray Dalio has a similar perspective in his Principles. He suggests we spend too much time focussing on the Conclusion and not enough talking about the Reasoning behind that conclusion. And that's where the real value and learning is - in the Reasoning. So, if you want to provide value, talk less about your Conclusion and more about your Reasoning. NB:  Here's a link to Ray Dalio's Principles - #reasoning #learning #decisionmaking