Insights With Trent Munday

Even The Best Definition Is Open To Interpretation #1312



I recently described a conversation I was having as 'meandering'. The definition of meandering is 'moving slowly in no particular direction or with no clear purpose'. The person I was speaking with took that as an insult.  That's not the way it was intended. In the context of our discussion, which was about early stage product development, I believe meandering conversations are important.  They allow you to seek and absorb feedback without preconceived ideas and biases. At a later stage, once the product is defined, sure, you want to be the opposite of meandering. You need to be focussed and targeted. The lesson is that even if we both know the definition of a word, we may have different perceptions of it. Also, that as the context changes, so too may our perceptions of the intent of that word. Communication is tricky sometimes. #interpretation #context #communication