Insights With Trent Munday

Will Your Company Embrace The Covid-19 Productivity Revelation? #1347



Many companies have found during this Covid-19 shift to Work from Home, that what used to take 8 hours to get done in the office, is now getting done in 2-4 hours at home. So, if that is true of your company, what are you going to do when we finally get back to office? Will you still insist that your employees sit there for 8 hrs a day? Or will you just give them more work to do, now that you know they're capable of more? Maybe, you could split that extra time. Get them to focus on being productive for 4 hours of the day. Then try to get an extra 2 hours worth of work out of them... And then let them go home 2 hours early! Or let them stay in the office and work on their own project for 2 hours a day. Ultimately, the company will still be getting more out them. Plus the employee will end up working 2 hours less. It's a Win-Win. And surely the returns to the company in terms of employee satisfaction and loyalty will be paid back many fold over the years. What do you think? #workfromhome #productiv