Lady Books

A Drink with Being Boss



Emily + Kathleen put the drink in #ADrinkwithLadyBooks! Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon, hosts of the podcast Being Boss, visit us today to play a drinking game and discuss the writing process behind their new book, Being Boss: Take Control of Your Work + Live Life on Your Own Terms (available now for pre-order). This week, we discuss: Using Google Docs and scheduled time to write their book together Writing like you speak; speaking like you write Recording an audiobook and reading your words out loud Incorporating spirituality into your entrepreneurial journey Disclaiming your message and other triggers The magic in feedback (1 vs 3 star reviews) The Flowers in the Attic switch Announcing yourself when you walk into room (DJ KHALED!) And so very much more as we share a drink or two Check out to learn more about the Being Boss book, including pre-order info and book events! ** If you're in or near Atlanta, Tasha and Kate are hosting a Being Boss book signing event on April