Gmi - Guitar And Music Institute Guitar Podcasts

Episode 50 – GMI Podcast Retrospective



Not Exactly In The Blink Of An Eye, The GMI Podcast Finally Hits Fifty Our podcast has now hit fifty episodes and we thought it be a great chance to relive some of the funnier and also poignant moments from the array of wonderful musicians, inventors and those connected with the music industry. Ged Brockie has picked twelve exerts from forty nine previous podcasts which will hopefully bring a chuckle or remind you of a previous interviewee or perhaps interest you in a podcast episode you've never listened to yet. Enjoy! SELL TO THE WORLD WITH SHOPIFY & GET 14 DAYS FREE The GMI guitar shop is powered by Shopify and we connect with hundreds of people all over the globe every month. If you, like thousands of other people would like to create a new income stream then there's probably no better way than with Shopify. Click the banner below to get a 14 day free trial through GMI and you'll also be helping to support GMI as we do receive a small one of fee for any new stores opened.   GET 15% OF A