Parenting In The Thick Of It With Louise Clarke

541: The More Clients I Work With, The More I Realize This…



I believe that many people now realize and believe that happiness is, in fact, an inside job and understand this at an intellectual level. But how many of us truly get it at a practical level? Over the years, it becomes increasingly evident to me that many parents are not living their lives in alignment with what they truly value and as such, do not believe they are “good enough” and subsequently look to the “other” for approval, validation, acceptance, appreciation and a whole load more things. So… what can we do? If you are curious, then to tune in as this really gets to the nitty gritty of why we behave the way we do, especially in the face of unacceptable behavior from our kiddos… If you really want to dive into this and change things at a root level, then join me for my next 8-week group coaching programs, you can find more details for them here: 8-week program link: 6-week program link: FOLLOW ME ONLIN