Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Self Denial and Personal Desires



Too often we find ourselves stuck in our walk with Christ, failing to move beyond where we are, due to something we have all but forgotten is basic to the spiritual life. Self-denial. Saying no to our desires, when they compete with what God wants for us. We know dieting is difficult. So is gossiping. Though the world and even our own nature cannot be depended upon to help us in this discipline, God wants to develop people learning to live as Jesus did, putting petty (and ungodly) desires to death in order to live free for him. QUESTIONS: • Do you feel you practice Self-denial pretty well? Consistently? What about Self-control? Where do you struggle in this area? • How does this message make you feel? Do you wonder whether this is truly the path God has for those who follow Jesus? Why or why not? • If you were able to incorporate Self-denial into your daily decisions, what do you believe the outcome could be for you? What do you think God is wanting to do in your life through denying yourself, taking up your